
Fitness for All: What that Means at McCallum Place

Integrating fitness into eating disorder treatment continues to be thought-provoking and intriguing to both patients and providers. Many patients, families, and outpatient treatment partners have labeled the movement component “the missing piece” to recovery. We have found that patients of all shapes, sizes, identities, and abilities express the desire and need to address their relationship … Read More

The Body Image Problem

Weight- and body shape-related distress is typically a core feature of eating disorders.  In my experience, body image problems often predate the onset of eating disorder behaviors and linger after they are brought into remission.  Over the years, I have witnessed a variety of body image concern presentations.  Some patients experience a ‘fear of fatness.’  … Read More

Adolescent-Focused Therapy: A Psychodynamic Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

The therapists at McCallum Place recently completed a training on Adolescent-Focused Therapy (AFT) based on Adolescent-Focused Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa:  A Developmental Approach by James Lock.  I was curious to learn and teach about an individual therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa and how it differs from Family-Based Therapy (FBT). AFT is the current incarnation of … Read More

Art Therapy at McCallum Place: An Overview

Art Therapy at McCallum Place: An Overview What is Art Therapy? Art Therapy is a professional field that integrates creative expression and intersecting therapeutic theories grounded in research and years of practice. Art therapy aims to utilize art materials, the creative process, and artwork to explore emotions, build self-awareness around values and identity, reconcile conflict, … Read More

Spooky Season is Upon Us – A Blog About Fear Foods

Happy Halloween from the McCallum Place Team!  We know that this time of year is designed to be spooky for everyone, but it can be especially haunting for those navigating through their personal eating disorder recovery journey.  Eating disorder treatment is scary and we are hopeful that this Halloween season is full of more treats … Read More

Prolonged Exposure: The Only Way Out is Through

McCallum Place Clinical Director discusses the importance of Prolonged Exposure Therapy in the treatment of PTSD   Three treatments currently exist for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that involve trauma reprocessing and which carry the designation of “strong” research support from the American Psychological Association:  Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and Eye Movement Desensitization … Read More

The Therapist is IN (Office)

With many of us returning to school, work, sports, and face-to-face sessions, it might be the first time in many months (OK, maybe even a year plus some months) that providers, teachers, coaches, and colleagues are seeing folks head to toe, in the flesh. Providing support at this time last year looked very different, so it makes sense that some are trying to remember how … Read More