Admissions Process for McCallum Place Eating Disorder Center

McCallum Place offers free and confidential evaluations either by phone or in person with our admissions clinicians. If you are considering getting help, take the first step in your journey to recovery, please call (844) 250-8532. Assessments can generally be completed within 48 business hours and are scheduled between 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday. We accept most insurance plans and are experienced at negotiating single case agreements.

What needs to be provided to an admissions clinician?

Prior to admission, you will need to provide the following by fax or in person to an Admissions Clinician:

  1. Complete an admissions evaluation with us. We will review your current concerns and struggles as well as past treatments, goals, and psychiatric history. This interview takes about one hour and will also give you an opportunity to decide if McCallum Place fits your needs.
  2. You will also need to complete the following medical tests within seven days of admission: blood work, including: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP), magnesium phosphorus, and a pregnancy test (if you are a female client of child bearing age; urinalysis; TB test if not done in the previous year.
  3. A complete physical exam and medical history. Simply download and print off the form below and take to your physician. This physical exam should include a morning weight in gown, height, and postural vital signs. For McCallum Place St. Louis, please fax results to 314-552-7438.
  4. Regarding Allergies: Please provide documentation of any known food and/or medication allergies should we need to prepare prior to admission.
  5. A Hepatitis A shot is recommended for those considering our transition apartments (St. Louis only).
  6. Adolescents: Obtain your growth chart from your pediatrician and fax to us or bring upon admission.

Click below to download the Medical/History and Physical Form:

Click below to download the Release of Information Form:

What is the treatment criteria?

We use the following criteria to determine whether treatment at McCallum Place may be suitable:

  • Those not making progress in outpatient treatment
  • Willing to accept care and eating disorder treatment voluntarily
  • Those who could benefit from group and or family treatment to supplement individual work
  • Clients with anorexia nervosa who require supported meals to make change
  • Clients needing a structured environment to restore weight
  • Clients who need support to challenge established food rituals and habits
  • Clients requiring tube supplements and do not have the autonomy to eat enough on their own
  • Clients with bulimia, ARFID,  binge eating or purging, who are motivated to change but have been unable to do so without structured support
  • Clients who need supervision to prevent weight loss due to compulsive exercise strategies
  • Those in need of longer term treatment to stabilize recovery after short term residential or inpatient treatment

How soon can admission be arranged?

Generally, as soon as you or your loved one desires. The first step is making a call to schedule your pre-admission assessment. You can contact us at (844) 250-8532. We also will need you to obtain recent labs for our physician to review for all incoming clients. Please see above for specific items required prior to admission.

What is the typical length of stay at McCallum Place?

Clients stay an average of six weeks. Length of stay is determined based on client need and is graduated according to individual progress. Level of care is assessed many times throughout the week and adjusted accordingly if needed.

Does your adolescent program include academic support?

Yes. Adolescents receive significant educational support during their time at McCallum Place. Our teachers work closely with each young person to ensure that they make appropriate academic progress while they are with us. Members of our academic staff also serve as liaisons between our clients and their home school districts. These dedicated professionals communicate with school personnel on a regular basis and act as advocates on behalf of the young people who are entrusted to our care.

I really appreciate that the staff validates my thoughts and feelings before trying to work on them. They don’t just say ‘that’s irritational, just stop!

– A Former Resident
Marks of Quality Care
  • Eating Disorder Coalition of Iowa
  • International Association Of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP)
  • National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
  • National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
  • RenewED, Eating Disorders Support
  • Residential Eating Disorders Consortium
  • Washington University in St. Louis