A Non-Diet New Year

A Non-Diet New Year

As we embark on a new year and a new decade, it’s natural to brainstorm ways to improve ourselves. We look forward to invigorating changes and vow to be “better” in some way. It’s also a time when we’re bombarded with the message that appearance-based resolutions will provide that #NewYearNewMe. However, if we don’t accomplish … Read More

Do Low Carb Diets Work?

Courtney Rayhill, RD, LD Registered Dietitian, McCallum Place With the recent popularity of low-carb diets it would be easy to conclude that these are a recent invention. However, the idea of restricting carbohydrates to lose weight goes back to at least 1863 and William Banting. He suggested a low-carbohydrate diet to increase optimal health and … Read More