
Yearly Archives: 2011

Straight from the source: former patient recalls her struggle with an eating disorder

Katie Seal, a former McCallum Place patient, was recently featured in a St. Louis Post Dispatch article about her struggle with an eating disorder. We commend Katie for bravely discussing her road to recovery, and hope that her story inspires others to do the same. To read the article in its entirety, click here.

10 tips to enjoy a recovery-focused holiday

It’s that time of year again. Pitfalls to your eating disorder lurk around every corner, whether it’s a plethora of holiday parties, cookies at the office, eggnog at the neighbors or grandma’s homemade fudge. Below are some tips to have a happy and healthy holiday season: Eat regularly throughout the day.  Avoid “saving” or “banking” your calories in … Read More

Dr. Ron Thompson speaking at Florida State University

Dr. Ron Thompson, Phd, FAED, Co-Director of The Victory Program at McCallum Place will be speaking to faculty and staff at Florida State University on Monday, December 9th at 9:00 am. We are excited to have Dr. Thompson, an internationally recognized expert in treating athletes with eating disorders, represent The Victory Program and educate others … Read More

The Role of Trauma-Based Therapies for the Treatment of Eating Disorders: What Does Safe and Ethical Treatment Consist Of?

Recent allegations of a treatment center therapist implanting false memories during clinical hypnosis has many people asking, “When it comes to clinics and treatment centers dealing with trauma-based therapies, what is the standard of care?” The use of hypnosis in medical practice has long been controversial. Through hypnosis, the therapist helps patients learn to control their … Read More